
Training relocation


To transfer material from the main warehouse to another warehouse, a stock transfer is necessary. In the context menu of the insert button "Stock transfer position" is selected, the position mask opens

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The part is now selected at this transfer position. If the part has been entered, the existing, valid storage bin accounts of this part are entered in the fields "From warehouse" and "To warehouse". The stocks currently available there are also displayed. Now the "From warehouse" can be selected.

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If the stock is now to be transferred to a storage bin for which there is no storage bin account for this part yet, the storage button can be clicked in the group "To Warehouse" and a storage bin can be selected.

After clicking on "OK" the stock is immediately transferred.

The next time you open this item, our newly transferred stock will be displayed correctly in the "From stock" storage bin list:

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The same applies to the stock overview of the part, which can be displayed anywhere by pressing this button

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Operational business